Tag Archives: My Beautiful Ugly

Random Musings: I am NOT my Skin!!



This was on my heart Today and I felt compelled to share: It may trigger some and perhaps inspire others but it is my TRUTH! I Am NOT My Skin….

My Human experience is not limited to or defined by the color of my skin. As gloriously beautiful as my sun-kissed melanin-rich brown skin may be it alone does not inherently decide my path.

My exquisite brown skin, while divinely designed, determines not my Value, my Character, my Future, my Creativity, my Intelligence, my Beauty, my Strength, my Ability, my Courage, my Contribution, the expansiveness of my Spirit, the depth of my Love, nor the Capacity of my Mind to manifest. It is not the sum total of My Worth! To think otherwise diminishes the potentiality of the Powerful(l) spirit that is Me.

While those things may be influenced by the multitude of circumstances and experiences that I have been exposed to, many beyond the scope of my control, and may shape my journey; they have absolutely NO POWER to decide my ultimate fate. That decision and choice reside only with ME!

I will not perpetuate a spirit of hate or fear, nor support instilling a complex of inferiority or victim mindset. I will not villainize or condemn all of the other beautiful shades of the rainbow due to the crimes against humanity inflicted by some beings colored in that shade.

Nor do I subscribe to inspiring an over-inflated stance of superiority or sense of entitlement based solely on skin tone into the hearts and minds of those whose skin is painted a brilliant shade of brown or any other shade for that matter.

Yes, You Matter, and You Matter, & You Matter simply because you “ARE” & you “EXIST” because you woke up this morning and YOU ARE HERE!! Because you are a Divine Being finding your way through this Human Experience ….Not because of your color, your system of belief, your race, your religion, your sexuality, your economic class, your education, your size, your history, your culture, your relationship status, how you live, how you love, what you eat, how you speak, where you were born, your challenges, your maltreatment, your triumphs, successes, or failures…but for no other reason than You being YOU!!!

I will NEVER give my POWER to BE Any and Everything that I dream and desire over to some preconceived notion or stereotype of who I Am or ought to be. Nobody that has come, is here now, or will ever Be gets to determine my Journey but the GOD in ME!

Outside factors may provide a palette of colorful experience but I and I alone get to paint my world and I choose to paint mine POWERFULLY BEAUTIFUL while proudly donning skin in a Beautiful shade of Chocolate Brown!!

Shared with nothing but Love from the Heart, Mind, Body, & Soul of the Spiritual Being living this life journey as Twin Spirit #UnapologeticallyLovingMe #Free – For More of my Random Musings Feel Free to Follow my Blog: www.MyBeautifulUglyWorld.wordpress.com

Random Musings: I See YOU…



“I see YOU! I see all of YOU! The beautiful bits and also those parts that need a little tweaking too. A divinely beautiful mess, a work in progress, a journey still underway. Yep, I see you…All of that strength and those fears & insecurities too…they make you imperfect yet beautifully You! Yep, I love you. Real Love You, Tough Love You, Care Enough to Let You Just Be You, Love you in the Good & Love You in the Bad, Love You when you’re happy & even when You’re sad. Love you and accept you but love you enough to say that you deserve so much better so get out of your own way.” ~ Twin Spirit


Random Musings: Spirit of Me



“they think they know me, but they really don’t.
they only see what they choose to see.
close your eyes and listen closely…
my heart dances to the rhythm of the spirit of me.” ~ Twin Spirit

My Blog (My Heart): www.MyBeautifulUglyWorld.wordpress.com
My Music (My Soul): www.iAmTwinSpirit.com — with TwinSpirit.

Random Musings: Marriage is a Business



MARRIAGE (be it traditional, open, common law, alternative etc.) IS A BUSINESS…(I know that doesn’t sound romantic and people don’t like to admit or acknowledge this..but it is a fact.)

So many people seem to have missed that part and we often do not rear our children to view it as such!

The partner you choose, can make or break the outcome of your Life…Your health…wealth…DNA…spiritual, physical, emotional, & mental well being are all impacted by whom we choose to partner, reproduce, or parent with.

LOVE is an important component of marriage and if nurtured it grows with time… but it is not the only ingredient required to have a successful marriage or long term relationship!

I want to create wealth, raise strong and intelligent children, manifest my dreams, grow spiritually, and build a strong and stable connection as well as an empire with my life partner…There is indeed a BUSINESS Aspect and Mindset required to achieve this.

You must align yourself with a person that desires these things as well…not doing so can and often does create a rift (an opening made by splitting or a pulling in opposite directions) and oftentimes holds us back from living our best life.

Should you love each one another? Yes of course… And that love & trust should continue to grow stronger and stronger. But ultimately Marriage is a Partnership…The teamwork aspect is Pivotal. Sharing Common Goals, Mindsets, & Outlooks is paramount to success!! A strong friendship and mutual respect is the best foundation to build a solid relationship upon.

Marriage is BOTH Business and Love, but LOVE is not the only or sometimes even the most important aspect to focus on when selecting the right LIFE PARTNER.

You can LOVE someone and they still may not be the most wise or healthy choice for you as a Life Partner aka “Team Mate”. It all depends on what your desired long term outcome is.

Love is part of what you need to make it work but in no way is it ONLY what you need.

Shared with 
Twin Spirit


Random Musings: A Moment of Transparency…



Moment of Transparency: There is truly only 1 man I have ever been in Love with. I have liked fondly, cared for, craved, and had love for others but only one has crawled into the deep recesses of my heart, soul, & mind and stayed there.

I still love him to this day and if I am honest am still “in-love” with him too. I will always love him, at his best and at his worst. I think it’s because I see him clearly for who and what he is….not just an ideal or a representation of what I wish him to be. He is amazing and awful at the same damn time…lol.

He has made me smile, laugh, & blush and he has also made me cry. He has made me feel beautiful and like I don’t matter. He is all that I wish a man to be and many of the things I can’t stand. He is free like the wind and often an island unto himself. He is giving and selfish, kind and cruel, open and secretive, honest and a liar.

He is a paradox but if I am honest I wouldn’t want him to be any other way.

It’s easy to believe that if only “they” would be just what you want them to be that life would be perfect and so simple but the truth is that loving him just the way he is has forced me to explore and understand Me. Pushed me outside of my comfort zone and made me accept that at the end of the day I, and I alone, hold the key to my happiness. (not another being, not a relationship status, & not who loves me in return.)

He is my Soulmate and I love him with all that is in me but he is not my man. I do not belong to him and he does not belong to me. Our connection is not always rainbows and butterflies but it is honest and it is real…and it is Beautiful ~ Twin Spirit

Random Musings: Let It Go!!!



“Sometimes the best BEST thing you can do is simply “Let Go”….

Of people who don’t value you, expectations, fears, pain, unhealthy connections, judgements, preconceived notions, lost causes, unrequited love, the desire to control, playing small, being a martyr, game players, situations that leave you unfulfilled, time wasters, essence zappers, & spirit breakers.

Holding on tightly to and focusing on these things drains your energy and distracts you from all of the possibilities that await you. Life goes on and the sun always rises and shines its light brightly somewhere everyday…So Should We! #BeLikeTheSUN” ~ Words from the heart of: Twin Spirit #SharedWithLove

Random Musings: I Don’t Believe in Loving Small!



A MOMENT OF TRANSPARENCY: “I simply do not believe in Loving small. I have no idea how to do that. I do not know how to shrink the way that I feel or pretend that I care less than I do, honestly I see no benefit in withholding care or emotion. I see no use in starving those you care for of your presence and adoration or holding back affection.

I see no strength gained, safety secured, or virtue claimed in silencing I Love You’s, I Miss You’s, I Believe in You’s, & I Care’s. Why stingily dole out deep long hugs and passionate kisses. Or save for a later day our tender touches or passionate caresses.

Why are we so generous with complaints, criticisms, cold shoulders, attitudes, & anger but flinch at the mere thought of those we care deeply for knowing that we actually give a damn and care?

I refuse to participate in the lunacy of it all.

If I care about you then I am going to say it and show it in all the things that I do. I am going to be honest in my interactions with you and share openly how I think and feel. I am going to be as transparent as I can. If you move me, you’ll know it. If I crave your energy I will not hold back my desire to bask in it often. If you inspire me, I’ll tell you. If I am disappointed, I will share that too. If you stir my passions then so be it.

Genuine Care to me = openness, honesty, compassion, support, communication, time, laughter, fun, depth, freedom, trust, listening, respect, acceptance, & creative energy flow.

This Life is but a mere blink of an eye…I plan on living mine fully and loving with all that I have in me until I am no more. I am not afraid to LOVE & Be Loved. No regrets.” ~ always Twin Spirit

www.iAmTwinSpirit.com  | www.ArtHouzeAlive.com 

Random Musings: Access Granted



“When I open the door to the heart and soul of me and let you inside, I can only hope that you will understand the significance of the access given. The trust required and courage it takes. I can only hope that with my valuables you will take care. This I cannot demand but I can require for continued access to be granted.I am not responsible for, nor can I control, the actions of others but I am responsible for the reactions of Me.” ~ Twin Spirit


Random Musings: Confirmation Bias



“You want to be right about how you see the world, so you seek out information which confirms your beliefs and avoid contradictory evidence and opinions. If one were to attempt to identify a single problematic aspect of human reasoning that deserves attention above all others, confirmation bias would have to be among the candidates for consideration.Whenever our opinions or beliefs are so intertwined with our self-image we can’t pull them away without damaging our core concepts of self. So we avoid or fight against situations, people, or experiences which may cause harm to those beliefs.”