Monthly Archives: December 2016

Random Musings: I think I want a husband & a wife…



Honestly I think I would enjoy having a boyfriend & girlfriend or a husband and a wife if things escalated. Don’t laugh or gasp…lol…I’ve given it some serious thought. I can see both the beauty & challenges that might be involved but believe it could be an amazing and worthwhile experience. Hey fellas be honest, having a wonderful girlfriend or wife in your life is a beautiful thing. Heck woman are master nurturers, we give and love in a way that is magical. I give of myself fully and truly would enjoy experiencing being on the receiving end of that type of love too.

I know it sounds strange to many, but I truly have no desire for my lover to be fully dependent on me for all of their needs. I am okay with another fulfilling them in areas that I am not good at, unavailable for, don’t want to do, or have no interest in. I have felt this way for a long time. I’m not jealous of my love connecting & sharing their life with others. I want the people I love (platonically or romantically) to be happy & fulfilled even if the source of said joy doesn’t come from me.

Plus how awesome would it be to share all of the domestic responsibilities amongst more than 2 individuals. From financial to parenting. It decreases the burden and allows space for everyone to explore many other aspects of who they are without worrying about the ball being dropped with more hands and hearts to catch it.

To me love is also about Freedom & Growth. I want my partner to spread their wings and fly.

For those of you who instantly envisioned the sexual aspect of this dynamic I believe that too could be a wonderfully fulfilling experience as well in whatever way it chose to unfold.

Honestly I think fear and jealousy keep many of us from allowing life to introduce us to some deeply enlightening experiences.

Yes, this may not be the path for everyone but I think it could be pretty transformative, nurturing, healing, rewarding, & fun done from a place of genuine love, care, friendship, & respect.

Just my honest thoughts


Random Musings: LOVE-A New Paradigm



“I am not afraid of relationships or commitment. Far from it. I am made for partnership and shine within a healthy loving connection. I honestly desire and prefer deep, intimate, long-term connections over short lived surface-level encounters. I simply choose not to have to exchange ownership of my heart, mind, body, freedom, dreams, & soul for outdated concepts of relating or what a relationship should look like.

We are still burdened with antiquated ideas about what men and women are supposed to look for and expect in a partner/spouse or relationship. These traditional and deeply embedded ideas are on a collision course with the facts on the ground and many of them are diminishing to our spirit. It’s time to open up and explore new relationship paradigms.

The new paradigm relationship is heart to heart and even higher level connections. The joy of this type of relating must be experienced to be fully understood.

In the new paradigm of YOU being, the ONE rather than some being outside of yourself, the power and truth of who you are is activated and a new understanding of your own freedom and power is now alive in every cell of your body to the core matrix of your soul – to be who you are. You no longer project the responsibility for your happiness, well-being, and expectation out onto your partner for you know that all of these states are an inside job.

This frees up the nature of relationships to expand and transform…to become more of a place that inspires and encourages our growth, movement, a place where all things are possible, a place where we support one another in becoming the “BEST VERISONS” of ourselves (whatever that might look like) rather than a prison of fear, where we cling to old beliefs of ownership, jealousy, co-dependency, punishment, emotional manipulation, & control and where we hold one another back out of fear that we might lose what we have. Where we see our partners as beings we own and who owe us total subjugation to prove they love us. Where we make someone else the sole source of our happiness and contentment. A realm filled with limiting experiences rather than being a place that gives those we love wings and our love encourages them to Soar & Fly and Be all that they dream and desire to BE!!

Call me a naive dreamer or an obstinate nonconformist if you like but my spirit knows that the idea we have of LOVE expands much deeper than we can even imagine and I choose to allow myself the opportunity to experience ALL that Life, Love, Connection, & the Human Experience has to offer…and I am not willing to sacrifice that potential by Living Small, Dimming my Light, Not using my Divine Gifts, Not Pursuing My Dreams, Not Speaking My Truth, Hiding my Desires, & Being Afraid to GO FOR IT when Connection Presents Itself, Pretending my needs don’t matter, or settling for a mediocre Relationship with someone who is afraid to FLY simply to maintain the status Quo.

Call me Selfish, call me Crazy, Call me anything you like but this is “My Life” and I choose to Live it Deeply, Fully, Creatively, Expansively, & Beautifully. I will not settle for relationships that do not move me, grow me, and stir my soul. Loving You should NEVER require sacrificing the Heart &Soul of ME. It should be a mutually value adding experience to every Spirit involved.

Yes…I Love you enough to Set you Free to Find the Love That Your Spirit Needs and I Love Myself enough to know that it’s okay if I simply decide to just Choose Me ~ Written & Shared From a place of Transparency, Honesty, & LOVE” ~ Twin Spirit

Random Musings: I don’t have time….



Every single person on earth has the exact same amount of time every single day. We ALL get 24 hours to do whatever we need and want to do each day. What we make of that time is up to US….

When we feel like we don’t HAVE time for something, it’s almost always because we have not chosen to MAKE the time to do it because that thing is simply not a priority to us.

You can find the time. It exists. You choose not to devote the time, and there’s a big difference.

Every day, we make hundreds of decisions as to what we will and will not make time for.

We will all make different decisions at different times and in different seasons of life. The difference is not bad — it’s just priorities. It’s ALL About Priorities!

Fess Up If Your Priorities Change

Of course, our lives change and circumstances change. But when that happens to you, take the time to give the ramifications of those changes real thought, helping to see how priorities might have to shift correspondingly.

And most importantly, be honest with yourself. Admit that what once was critically important to you might not be as important now. Don’t blame it on not having enough time. That’s just code for “I don’t care as much as I used to, but haven’t admitted it to myself yet.”

So as we countdown to the wrap up of this crazy, crazy year called: “2016”, spend a few hours with yourself thinking about your priorities this year, and how they could or should change in 2017. It will give you a lot more clarity (and possibly a lot less guilt) down the road.

Knowing who you are and what you want can help set you in the right direction, and the earlier you start thinking about your life goals and what’s truly important to you, the easier it is to make the appropriate decisions and plans to reach it. ~ Twin Spirit