Tag Archives: simple truth

Random Musings: The POWER in Me



Life is always as good as you make it. I’ve rarely ever allowed what’s happening outside of me to dictate what’s happening inside of me.

It’s another new day and as far as I am concerned one still filled with amazing possibility 🙂 I have Love to share, Dreams to pursue, Visions to manifest, Questions to answer, Mountains to climb, A Voice to be heard, Relationships to nurture, Music to create, Hearts to heal, Memories to make, Life to be lived…many Beautiful New experiences await me.

Fear & Anger have never been what motivates or inspires me. A Spirit of Defeat has known no residence in my Heart or Soul. So why would I allow current events to cause them to take root now. The truth is #SometimesYouThinkYoureLosingButYouReallyWinning ❤

I am the same Powerful Spirit this morning that I was when I closed my eyes and went to sleep last night. Nothing has changed. I am still the Architect of my lifes design. An Alchemist transforming the energetic flow. A Seer & Soothsayer tapping into my divine resources. A Warrior motivated by love. A Goddess allowing my feminine magick to manifest the reality I desire. “I AM”…and there is nothing that can stop my Growth. ~ Always TwinSpirit

Random Musings: From My Heart With Love….


TwinSpirit - The Glance“Me..TODAY…My Afro pulled into a high bun…Goddess (GodIs) Power in Full Effect…Feeling Great…Radiating Nothing But LOVE ENERGY!! No Worries..No Fears. We Must Always Lead By The Clarity of Our Example…I had a Beautiful Day Today and I expect to have more and more of the same.  As my Joy, Happiness, Success, & Peace are not Contingent upon approval, acceptance, understanding, acknowledgment, or reciprocity from sources outside of me, for none of those things can ever be a true gauge of the Essence of the Beautiful Divine Spirit that is ME!! Aware…I Embrace the True Essence of Me. Unhindered by unsolicited expectations of who others think I should be ~ Simply Put I AM FREE. Free to Love or Hate, Build Up or Break Down, Rise or Fall, Move Forward or Step Back, Focus on Problems or Become the Solution.

Never do I expect others to do for me what I have not done for self…Never can I expect others to give to my family and community (whatever those may look like as they come in various combinations)
those things that I have not given…that includes love, nurturing, understanding, embracing, respect, motivation, protection, acceptance, support, encouragement, kindness, patience, & forgiveness. Seeing beyond the titles given & roles previously played, focusing less on the shortcomings and more on the beauty & strength that resides within, Accepting Our Contribution to the Chaos and making it our mission to unlock the hidden gifts that have always dwelled there in. More Uplifting & less in fighting. More Coming Together & Less Pulling Apart. Dwelling Less on the What Was and More on the What Will BE. Becoming the Very Things that I Wish This World To Be…Starting with ME ❤

The Savior, with many names, that billions the world over have been waiting for is already here. It is US (individually & collectively)…We are the answer to all of the Questions. We are the Key that Unlocks the mysteries. We are the “ONE” that will save the World. GOD is Pure Love (Energy) and Love (Energy) is from which we all came.  We (The INFINITELY INCLUSIVE ALL) are IT, it is US. Unified as ONE we have the power to create a NEW WORLD. Filled with the essence of who we are and built on a foundation of…LOVE.

Release yourself from the prison of perceived limitations, self doubt, fear, & the Illusion of Separation that Holds Us hostage and redirect Your Focus & Attention to those things that draw Us closer and align Us with the True Essence and Power of Who we ARE…those things that strengthen us, unify us, release us from the lies that bind, heal us, grow us, push us forward & force us to stand together. Those experiences that excite Us & ignite Our passions. Those moments that stir our souls and Set our hearts on fire…those moments that catapult us from Sleep & Complacency, for it is during those times that we feel deeply & are alive, at One with Source (God), Connected to All that is and All that Will Be, positioned back in our true roles as Architects of our future & co-creators of our Reality….Free to BEcome Whatever it is We Desire  🙂

AWAKEN..You ARE a beautifully Divine and Powerful Creator..Remember who YOU are…Remember who WE are. Embrace the Magic, Embrace the Power, Embrace & Support One Another…Trust that LOVE (of Self & Others) is the Answer to ALL of the Questions”

From My Heart with LOVE – Twin Spirit ❤